Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Politics of Technology

The cop out at Copenhagen should surprise no one.

It was a confabulation of the Establishment, by the Establishment, for the Establishment.

The Establishment is invested heavily in oil, coal and all other dirty technologies. You would not expect them to get to solutions when they themselves are the largest part of the problem.

It will be, as always, the innovators and the entrepreneurs who will solve this problem. They will do so by treating the carbon emissions problem as an opportunity. To the entrepreneurs and the innovators, the bigger the problem, the bigger is the opportunity.

The next two decades will see the coming of a new order, an order invested in renewable energy systems, ultra-efficient batteries and smart energy management.

The real action is in the trenches where this new order is fighting the Establishment, inch by bloody inch. Not in talk fests like Copenhagen.

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