Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Being a CEEEEO: The Yoga of Leadership

Early management thinking was premised on the paradigm of a military campaign.

Resulting in the hierarchical, command and control system that even today is followed by many an archaic business.

The cutting edge in management thinking however has since then moved on.

Thinkers like Peter Drucker started the process of liberating management processes from the confines of military-like strategy.

Over the last two decades, the world of business has increased immeasurably in complexity. There has been a tectonic shift brought about by unprecedented technological change and more importantly the rising primacy of business in human affairs.

Whenever things become too complex, Vedic thought seems to have the capacity to strip them to pristine simplicity. Ask the physicists.

So can we apply some yoga to management science?

There are two poles around which much management thinking today is coalescing: Leadership and Innovation.To my mind these are just two sides of the same coin.

In an increasingly interactive and instantaneous world, leadership needs to be rooted in the moment.

The yoga of leadership is to reflect the triumvirate of Creation, Conservation and Destruction with all three dimensions active and alive in every moment.

The yoga of leadership recognizes the principle of centrality. It is a mathematical fact that in an infinite universe every point is at the centre.

So also with every human being it is only the self that leads and only the self that follows.

The true leader therefore engages and enables everyone around her to envision and execute.

And as every person engages to enable everyone else to envision and execute, the resultant network effect will push not just the world of business but humanity itself to a new level of being.

The age of the CEO is past.

The coming age is of the Chief Engage and Enable to Envision and Execute Officer, the age of the CEEEEO.

And in the very DNA of being a CEEEEO is that you recognize that everyone around you is a CEEEEO. It is just that some know it and some are yet to catch on.

Without comment:

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