Friday, December 18, 2009

The Beginning of a New Movie Era?

It is 2am in the morning of the 18th of December 2009.

I have just come home from a preview of James Cameroon’s Avataar.

Tomorrow the reviews will be swarming the media. I want to have my say before I read any of them.

Avataar, I believe, is a disruption in the science of movie-making.

It not just blurs but completely removes the line between live action and animation.

And in addition it is the first instance of the evolution of a film grammar which moves 3D beyond being just a technical gimmick.

I believe Avataar will be marked as the beginning of a new era in the science of movie-making.

What about the art? The content, I believe, does have soul but art is so subjective so let us leave the pundits and the critics to fight for the scraps as the world gorges on the stunning visual beauty of the film.

As I prepare to sleep I perhaps will dream about Pandora and its inhabitants and for a couple of days maybe the movie will tinge my view of reality.

In my book that is what a good movie all about.

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