Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rice & Dal

Meaningless Violence is a tautology.
However when jingoism emerges (doesn't matter if it is in reaction to jingoism- two wrongs don't a right make) the truth is the first victim.
Yes the USA has not faced another act of terrorism on its soil after 2001. But let us remember that it is the richest and most powerful nation (as of now and for some while yet) on earth. It was hubris that lead to 9/11 and after that jolt it put its guard up and protects its territory with all that it has.
So should India. Protect our territory and our citizens with all that we have. We do not have the wealth that the USA has but perhaps we can bring more ingenuity and more intelligence to the task. The famous "Indian Jugad" has never had a greater task.
The response of the USA to 9/11 had a dimension other than homeland security. The specific interventions first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq. There are many in India today calling for an intervention in POK by India.
Once again it is paramount that we do not take anything anyone else has done as template. USA and the world continue to pay a heavy price for Afghanistan & Iraq.
We don't have to create another black hole that voraciously drains positive energy from us and the world.
Yes we must act with strength. But is it strength that will send out our
ground and air forces to wipe out terrorist camps in POK? Or will it be an act that will only assuage our collective ego that is currently hurt and does not want to be perceived as weak by not reacting with speed?
Questions that have no easy answer but we must wrestle with them. And as we do we must remember rice is rice(pun intended Ms.Rice)and dal is dal. They go well together but are cooked differently.
We must act in consort with the USA but act in a way that is us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ashoke,

"And as we do we must remember rice is rice(pun intended Ms.Rice)"

You are a great 'pun'dit.

Best wishes,
