Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mumbai 26/11/08 and "Them"

This time the terrorists hit "them" where they and their children frolic.
"Them" being those who live of the fat of the land and walk the corridors of power.
Usually they make inane statements after terrorist attacks kill and maim those who live and work in the real India, the crowded bazaars & the rickety buses and trains.
And then go on right along with their cowardly and effete lives.
Will they now use their privileged position to take some real action or will they just create more barricades and "Z" and other alphabet soup security for themselves and hope they can get away with just watching the world around them crumble.
And I who write this and you who read this, we also need to take a minute and reflect upon the likely fact that we also are a part of "them". And if not yet part of "them" aspire and work to be asap be part of "them".
And perhaps recognize the shame and care to delve a little deeper into what really is life about.

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