Sunday, May 31, 2015


Come lets stroll a bit in this garden
I have seen it sprout, 
Ever since I was born and
Crawled, staggered, run, strode
And now shuffle
Around it

Look here at this grove
Here is where are buried my 
Some grown into thorny shrubs
Some still saplings
Others never sprouted, dead and buried

Ah! Here, let's step closer here
Can you smell the flowers?
These are my expectations
They flower a day or two
And then wilt mostly without a trace
But not all, some pollinate and continue to live on..transfigured

Come here lets sit  a while in the shade
Of this yonder tree
This oak tree, this tree
Around which I have watched
This garden sprout, under this tree
I rest and contemplate my expectations
And disappointments

And wonder whether another garden
Awaits to sprout around me
Some other place, 
Some other lifetime, 
Around some other shade-giving

Perennial tree


Anonymous said...

Excellent, Ashok!

Sankaran said...

lovely.. beautiful mix of pathos and hope. lovely imagery