Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dear Love

Dear Love,
How does it feel to be so misunderstood and misused by so many?
Take the case of Lust your younger, dare I say more popular, brother.
Do people really confuse Lust for you or is it just a ploy to get Lust to have his way?
Either way it must be galling. And look how this deception has crept into the very interstices of language.
' Make Love' they say when all it is about is getting into bed with Lust while you wait,shuffling your feet, outside the door.
Perhaps you should reposition the situation in your mind.
Look these days it is all about being spoken about never mind such silly things like truth and context. In fact they say infamous is the new famous.
So look at it this way. You are actually winning. People are talking about you when they really have your brother in mind. That is good not bad! More power to you!
Just imagine if you were mentioned when you were really present. Most of the time you would be unspoken about. How boring.
So what if it is really you that keeps humanity sane. Doesn't pay the bills does it?
All that merchandise that is sold in your name is certainly not about the unspoken you.
The movies, the songs, the books , the flowers, the chocolates are basically sold on your account when all those billions, should have accrued to Lust.
So you see it is not bad. You get all the fame, all the fortune. All Lust gets is the pleasure of the chase, few minutes of frenzy and in the best case a bout of lassitude to follow.
So cheer up. And smile. Because when you do all humanity smiles with you
Lots of You.

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