Sunday, May 4, 2014

Exit Interview

Good morning Mr. Singh. Can I get you some coffee or tea?

Thank you. A glass of water will do. Room temperature please.

Sure. Subra could you send in a glass of water please. Room temperature. Right Mr. Singh may I begin with asking you the reasons fro quitting your job? 

Isn't that obvious? There is somebody else eagerly waiting to take my place.

Sir I did not ask the reasons for your demitting office today. That as you say is very clear. The question is why did you quit your job years ago? Let me rephrase the question Sir. when and why did you quit doing your job Mr. Singh?    


Mr. Singh?

Well I respect your right to be rude to me but time will be a much kinder judge.

Well as a wag once said time is what happens while we are busy doing other things. But Sir many people feel that sometime after the election of 2009 you went on autopilot. Unseeing. Unheard. Unknowing. What happened? Was it the illness? Or was it the sterile bubble that power produces suffocating you into a stupor.

I have a very simple philosophy about power. The less you use it the better it gets just like the yogis control lust to reach a higher state of being. And then history judges you kindly. Also one more thing. I always thought of myself as a servant.

A servant of the people you mean?

Umm.. that too I guess.

Are you surprised that there is already a book about your years in office. It is like an obituary before you are finally and actually dead!

See the wheels of history have been set in motion already and did you notice how this book, for all its faults, underlined a trait in me I am most proud of - my  unending capacity to be a good, sagacious and uncomplaining servant. Umm. Of the people. I mean.

Sir since you are refusing to open up and I am not inclined to be any ruder to you let me end this interview by asking you who would you like to thank as you leave this august office.

I am a man of few words. Thank you Madam.


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