Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Duality of the Trinity

If in the beginning was the word, the number must not have been far behind. And it would stand to reason that this primordial number was one. Wouldn't it?

But it seems that schizophrenia was not far behind. The world split into, at least, three dimensions. And until the physicists find a way for us to visit those other dimensions that they posit exist, we are all stuck with three. So is the number three the primordial number? The "Om" of numbers, so to speak?

But it seems it has competition. Two. At the foundation of human thought is "presence" and "absence". Yes and no. Black and white. Male and female. Off and on. Anything in between the two poles of human thought falls between two stools into the grey goo. The good, bad and the ugly - Hollywood wisdom at it's pithy best.

So shall we dethrone the trinity and ensconce duality?

Or shall we while acknowledging the primacy of two in human thought, assert the primacy of the number three on the higher plane of human spirituality and philosophy.

Why not just abandon the dialectic, lean back, put on our 3D spectacles and meditate on the fact that two and three are actually commutable?

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