Monday, March 28, 2011

Stripping to The Core

As yesterday's summer sun dappled through my window, I found myself unreasonably happy.

Over the last month as I went about my quotidian tasks, I had begun a process of spring-cleaning on the inside. No heavy duty retreat or meditation, just a quiet second attention to the self. The result is a lightness of being. No weight of what ought to be or what should be. Just being. Every moment it's own master. Independent and unique. All encompassing of nothingness.

Yesterday as the sun dappled my happiness, Steve Winwood was on the stereo with Low Sparks of the High Heeled Boys singing:

If I gave you everything that I owned
And asked for nothing in return
Would you do the same for me as I would for you
Or take me for a ride
And strip me of everything, including my pride
But spirit is something that no one destroys

And the sound that I'm hearing is only the sound
Of the low spark of high-heeled boys

It struck me then, as Steve crooned on, that stripping ourselves back to our core is our greatest source of happiness.
Let go of the heaviness and you will rise to happiness.


Anand Rao said...

Really nice - the joys of being hollow and empty!

Anonymous said...

Hollow are the feelings of the core
and Dark is the animal we abhor...

Strip the fake flesh off!
cant hide the skeletons no more.....

Sometimes we can run and hide from ourselves,
but what if OTHERS KNOW MORE.....