Saturday, February 5, 2011

The power of your future

The past is deadwood.
Yet often it overwhelms.
Consider the guy in Danny Boyle's 127 hours. Trapped under a rock with no help on hand, he flails about and then, giving up, prepares to die in the narcotic companionship of his past- a deadly cocktail of fond reminisces and deadly regrets.
It is only a glimpse of a possible future - in the form of a currently non-existent son - quietly egging him to live that gifts him the courage to brutally cut away the hand that traps him and flee to his future.
That's why I guess the sages ask us to live in the now.
Because our now closes the door to the past and opens a window to the future.
The truth sets you free. Your future fuels that hard-won freedom.

In conclusion here is a ditty I would like to share with you:


Cold suns light up dawn skies
The heat of the night dissipates
My left shoe bites
The heart's arryhtmia ticks
What's the time?
What's time !?
Poles apart meet
The world collapses
Into the everyday, commomplace
Here, now, everywhere, for eternity

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