Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday Notes

What if Noah had charged the biggest moneybags of his day the BC equivalent of a billion euro a seat on the Ark? And planned to use the money to build the Ark and then leave the moneybags behind anyway. After all who needs moneybags after the Flood? To get the full story watch 2012, the latest catastrophe potboiler from Hollywood. And for a deeper understanding of the perils of being a moneybag read an earlier posting- The Value for Money- on this blog.
I had lunch at the Mysore Café in Matunga today and I recommend that you put savoring their Mysore Masala Dosa on your Bucket List.
Plan to settle down after I post this to watching the highlights of India get out of a hole on a day of good Test cricket. Those of you smirk at Test cricket can go take a walk. Or write me a mail on why you hate it so and I promise to respond.


Deven Sansare said...

There aren't enough money bags to fill up the movie halls. So I guess it's about playing to the gallery or, being focussed on the target audience!

Unknown said...

test cricket is a colonial hangover..invented by British and if you recollect one of our old and wise Prof"s comments...a sport that gives you least amount of exercise per minute per square yard per person.I prefer the other alternative
suggested by you..take a walk.