Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Let There Be Light

I have always believed in the power of poetry.
The power to evoke ourselves to ourselves.
The power to build brands.
That's why all practioners of the art of the brand must try and practice the art of poetry.
Here is an effort of mine.

The unfurling of meaning cannot just be
A glissade of energy.
It is of course what meets our eager eye
That first gazes at this world.
But is it what exists between whatever exists,
Molecues, electrons, quarks, strings?
Less up in the air, so to speak,
Is it what informs the organs inside us?
Before the surgeon;s knife
Or gods forbid the assassin's bullet?
Let's cut, if we may, a little deeper. Ha ha!
Is it what gazes on nothingness
To create space?
As yesterday, the dance of the motes
In the afternoon of my gloom
Created hope

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